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    Holy Face of Jesus
                                   Holy Face of Jesus


Our Lady of Mercy Perpetual Help Miraculous Medal Our Lady of Grace Prayers to Our Guadalupe

Our Lady of Fatima... History
and a picture of Fatima
Mohammed's daughter

Holy Face of Jesus Chaplet of The Divine Mercy Hail Mary of Gold Scared Heart of Jesus The Way of The Cross

Our Victory
The Holy Trinity
Three Persons


Infant Jesus

The Garden of Gethsemane Prayer.
Imprimatur and PDF
Jesus Most Precious Gifts Thou Offers

The Agony in the Garden

Flowers | Gardens Saint Dismas Good Thief Pietà Prayer Most Scared Wound Hell the Eternal Punishment
Notes | Dates The Rosary Immaculate Heart of Mary Cries To Our Lady Eucharistic Prayer
God the Father
God directly appeared to Mother Eugenia in 1932 and requested a Liturgical Feast Day.

Bishop A. Caillot of Grenoble in 1935 set up a board of six experts to conduct a diocesan enquiry,
to investigate the direct apparitions from God and God direct request for His Liturgical Feast Day.
This diocesan enquiry took place in France and lasted for ten years.

All six board members approved as valid the direct apparitions from God.
All six board members also approved as valid God direct request for His Liturgical Feast Day.

The Vatican in 1989 mandated an imprimatur seal the doctrine for God Liturgical Feast Day.
Imprimatur: Petrus Canisius van Lierde, Vic. Generalis
  e Vic. Civitatis Vaticanae, Roma Die 13 Martii 1989

A Liturgical Feast dedicated to honor God under the title and date:

Title: Father of All Mankind

Date: First Sunday In August

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