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    Holy Face of Jesus
                                   Holy Face of Jesus


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Prayer to Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be console as to console,

to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

R. Amen.




When Saint Francis was on this earth, many said
that Saint Francis was most like, the Son of God... like Our Lord Jesus.

Saint Francis was a rich young man, he came from a family of wealth.
Saint Francis gave up his wealth to follow Our Lord... Jesus. 
He said, "I am married to Lady Poverty."

This part is all true and factual involving Muslims.
In the far East are men called Muslims.  They do not believe in Jesus.
Saint Francis knew this and went to visit them.  Even though the Muslims hated the Christians, they listened to Saint Francis.  After listening to
Saint Francis, The Muslims truly believed in Saint Francis and his words.
The Muslims trusted and liked Saint Francis. 
The Muslims thought Jesus must be fine, because
Saint Francis was a good loving person.

When Saint Francis was in the far East, he blessed the Muslims.

Muslims you can pray to Saint Francis of Assisi.

St. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy.  He came from a family of wealth. He gave up his wealth, to be with God the Father.  St. Francis was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher.

St. Francis founded the:

    • Men’s Order of Friars Minor

    • Women’s Order of St. Clare

    • Third Order of St. Francis

In 1224, he received the stigmata, making him the first recorded person to bear the wounds of Christ’s Passion.  He is also known for his love of the Eucharist, his sorrow during the Stations of the Cross, and for the creation of the Nativity Scene.  He called all creatures his “brothers” and “sisters”, and even preached to the birds.  He is known as the Patron Saint of animals and the environment, and is one of the two Patron Saints of Italy (with Catherine of Siena).

St. Francis attributes;

    • Tau cross

    • Dove

    • Animals

    • Wolf at feet

    • Pax et Bonum

    • Poor Franciscan habit

    • Stigmata

St. Francis Patronage Saint:

    • Animals

    • The environment

    • Third Order of St. Francis

    • Italy

    • Merchants

    • Stowaways

    • Cub Scouts

    • San Francisco, California

St. Francis of Assisi is known for The Cross of Tau.  The Cross of Tau, named after the Greek letter it resembles, is a form of the Christian cross symbol.  The shape of the letter tau or T was interpreted as representing a crucifix.  The Tau Cross is most commonly used in reference to the Franciscan Order and St. Francis of Assisi, who adopted it as his personal coat of arms after hearing Pope Innocent III talk about the Tau symbol.  It is now used as a symbol of the Franciscan Order.

Saint Francis built the first Christmas crib.

Saint Francis always talked about Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mother.
Saint Francis gathered men and women to help him talk about Jesus
and worked among the poor people.  His followers made the poor people know,
taught them to realize how happy it is to be good.
Saint Francis started, with his followers... The Franciscans.



St. Francis of Assisi received the stigmata (five wounds) that Jesus suffered during His Crucifixion on His Body From the Seraphim Angel.

A true Miracle The First Saint To Receive The Stigmata:
A Seraphim appeared before St. Francis. Seraphim is a six winged Angel.  The Seraphim are the closest Angels to God, The Father of All Mankind.  On September 14, 1224 a Seraphim Angel appeared St. Francis while he was praying in the mountains of La Verna, Italy.  St. Francis was focusing especially on the crucifixion because that day was the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross.  After the encounter ended, St. Francis discovered that the seraph had miraculously given him wounds reminiscent of those that Jesus Christ suffered while sacrificing Himself for the world’s sins in the cross.

St. Francis emerged from the encounter with the stigmata (five wounds) that Jesus suffered during His Crucifixion on His Body.


La Verna Franciscan Sanctuary

The picture above is the actual La Verna Franciscan Sanctuary.  This is same location where St. Francis of Assisi encounter the Seraphim Angel who gave him the stigmata.  The Seraphim are the closest Angels to God, The Father of All Mankind.  Seraphim Angels do most of their work in heaven.  Since September 14th is the only known date that was recorded for a Seraphim Angel that visited Earth to interact with a human.  I set a Feast Day on September 14th for the closest Angels to God, The Father of All Mankind the Seraphim Angels.



Theme Song Prayer of Saint Francis

Theme Song Prayer of Saint Francis

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According To The Method of St Francis

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